Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Using MindMaps to Learn English Vocabulary

Using MindMaps to Learn English Vocabulary MindMaps are one of my favorite tools for helping students learn new vocabulary. I also frequently use MindMaps to think creatively for other projects that Im working on. MindMaps help us to learn visually.   Create a MindMap Creating a MindMap can take some time. However, it doesnt need to be complicated. A MindMap can be simple: Take a piece of paper and group vocabulary by theme, for example, school.   Who are the people at school?What kind of objects are in the classroom?What are the different types of classes?Which jobs do the people at school have?Which different types of students are there? Once you have created a MinMap you can expand. For example, from the above example with school, I could create a whole new area for the vocabulary used in each subject. MindMaps for Work English Lets apply these concepts to the workplace. If you are learning English in order to improve the English you use at work. You might want to consider the following subjects for a MindMap Titles of ColleaguesTitles of Customers / ClientsActions (verbs)Equipment I use EverydayMy ResponsibilitiesImportant Phrases to Use When Writing Emails In this example, you could expand on each category. For example, you could branch off categories from Colleagues to include what they do, or you could build out the vocabulary for each type of equipment you use at work. The most important factor is to let your mind guide you as you group vocabulary. Youll not only improve your English vocabulary, but you will quickly gain a better understanding of how the various items in your MindMaps interact. MindMaps for Important Combinations Another way to use a MindMap for vocabulary is to focus on grammar constructions when creating your MindMap. Lets take a look at verb combinations. I could arrange a MindMap using these categories: Verbs Gerund (ing form - doing)Verbs Infinitive (to do)Verbs Pronoun Base Form (do)Verbs Pronouns Infinitive (to do)   MindMaps for Collocations Another vocabulary activity that MindMaps can really help with is learning collocations. Collocations are words that are commonly used together. For example, take the word information. Information is a very general term, and we have all sorts of specific types of information. Information is also a noun. When working on collocations with nouns there are three main areas of vocabulary to learn: adjectives/verb noun/noun verb. Here are the categories for our MindMap: Adjective InformationInformation NounVerb InformationInformation Verb You can expand this MindMap on information further by exploring specific collocations with information used in specific professions. The next you start focusing on vocabulary, try to start using a MindMap. Start off on a piece of paper and become used to organizing your vocabulary in this manner. Next, start using a MindMap program. This will take some extra time, but you will quickly become used to learning vocabulary with this aid. Print off a MindMap and show it to some other students. Im sure theyll be impressed. Perhaps, your grades will start improving as well. In any case, using MindMaps will certainly make learning new vocabulary in English much easier than just writing down words on a list! Now that you understand the use of MindMaps, you can download a free version to create your own MindMaps by searching for Freemind, an easy-to-use open source software program. Now that you understand how to use MindMaps for learning new vocabulary and grammar, youll need some help on how to  create vocabulary lists. Teachers can use this reading comprehension MindMapping lesson to help students apply these technics in reading to help improve comprehension.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Common Grammatical Errors Passover Readings and the Singular “They”

Common Grammatical Errors Passover Readings and the Singular â€Å"They† God and Grammar This week I am spending Passover with my family.   Perhaps inspired by the season, I picked up the newsletter that comes from Kolot Chayeinu (â€Å"Voices of Our Lives), the synagogue I used to attend in Brooklyn, New York. I read it cover to cover for the first time in months. It won’t surprise you that a grammatical issue leapt up at me from the pages of the newsletter.   Kathryn Conroy of Kolot Chayeinu writes about the open nature of this progressive congregation: â€Å"The person who prays because they believe that God will personally make a difference in their daily life is not the least bit threatened by the person standing next to them who does not believe in God at all.† The Singular â€Å"They† Did you spot the issue in Kathryn’s sentence?   It has become common for writers to refer to a single person, who could be of either gender, as a â€Å"they.† This â€Å"singular they† construction is grammatically problematic.   Clearly one person does not qualify as a â€Å"they,† â€Å"their† or â€Å"them† (all of which were used in Kathryn’s prose).   Yet we refer, perhaps lazily, or even sloppily, to singles as multiples – because it would be challenging or awkward to be grammatically rigorous. My uncle once created a neutral pronoun for just this situation:   fub.   It didn’t catch on. So at least for now, we’re still stuck with a lack of a non-gendered singular personal pronoun in the English language. Given the current state of affairs and my discomfort with the use of the singular â€Å"they,† I’ve decided to take on the challenge of improving upon the sentence from Kolot Chayeinu’s newsletter.   How would I write this sentence to avoid grammatical detention? Rewriting the Sentence One possibility is: â€Å"The person who prays because he or she believes that God will personally make a difference in his or her daily life is not the least bit threatened by the person standing next to him or her who does not believe in God at all.† Hmmm†¦Ã‚   not so great. Stilted, right? This is exactly the type of sentence Ms. Conroy was avoiding. Next option:   Gender the language.   Here’s what it looks like: â€Å"The woman who prays because she believes that God will personally make a difference in her daily life is not the least bit threatened by the man standing next to her who does not believe in God at all.† I was surprised to discover that this sentence is much more powerful than the original – poignant even in addition to being grammatically sound.   An image is conjured of an actual woman and man standing next to each other praying, rather than of some vague or possible scenario. Third option:   Make it Plural â€Å"Congregation members who pray because they believe that God will personally make a difference in their daily lives are not the least bit threatened by those standing next to them who do not believe in God at all.† This sentence is grammatically correct, though in my opinion it doesnt pack the punch of the gendered option. The Essay Expert is a Traditionalist My vote for Kathryn’s sentence is to use a gendered version. And I prefer even the somewhat stilted language of the rigorously neutral option to the grammatically incorrect original. However, I am a traditionalist. The grammar books don’t necessarily agree with me. Not every situation lends itself to gendered language as well as does Kathryn’s sentence. Sometimes our choice is between the â€Å"singular they† and a stilted â€Å"he/she† in order to avoid politically incorrect gendered language.   And sometimes making the subject plural does the trick quite gracefully. My practice in these situations is to pluralized the subject or to use â€Å"he or she† rather than â€Å"they.† Or, if there are repeated references to a non-gendered â€Å"person† or â€Å"someone† in a piece of prose, I might alternate between the masculine and feminine pronouns.   When in doubt, I err on the side of feminine pronouns. After all, there are hundreds of years of usage of the traditional â€Å"he† to balance things out. Wikipedia Speaks Here’s what Wikipedia reports on the acceptability of the singular â€Å"they†: There has been considerable debate as to the acceptability of singular they. Regarding usage, The Chicago Manual of Style notes: On the one hand, it is unacceptable to a great many reasonable readers to use the generic masculine pronoun (he) in reference to no one in particular. On the other hand, it is unacceptable to a great many readers either to resort to nontraditional gimmicks to avoid the generic masculine (by using he/she or s/he, for example) or to use they as a kind of singular pronoun. Either way, credibility is lost with some readers. With the 14th edition (1993), the Manual briefly revised its neutral stance to actually recommend singular use of they and their, noting a revival of this usage and citing its venerable use by such writers as Addison, Austen, Chesterfield, Fielding, Ruskin, Scott, and Shakespeare. However, regret regarding that printing is expressed at its website; and with the current 15th edition (2003), it has returned to its original neutral position. The 2011 translation of the New International Version Bible utilizes singular they instead of he or he or she, refelecting [sic] changes in English usage. The translators commissioned a study of modern English usage and determined that singular they (them/their) is by far the most common way that English-language speakers and writers today refer back to singular antecedents such as whoever,anyone,somebody,a person,no one, and the like. Your Turn What’s your opinion about how to handle the â€Å"singular they†?   Do you have any sample sentences to send me as a challenge?   Do you see any other ways to write Kathryn’s sentence?   And wouldn’t you love to be part of a community where the openness Kathryn describes is a reality? Category:Grammar Writing TipsBy Brenda BernsteinApril 18, 2011 14 Comments Nancy Anderson says: April 19, 2011 at 8:04 am Happy Passover Brenda, I have always stumbled with the singular they and have used the he/she instead. It would make it so much easier to use Kathryns version as it would save all the rewrite time. I like how you are going to use feminine pronouns because he has been used for so many years. I think I will do the same. Its about time! Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: April 19, 2011 at 8:47 am Happy Passover to you too Nancy! What I really am getting from this conversation is that there is no true right or wrong way to do it. We can choose the way that works best for the situation! I always like it when this happens. Log in to Reply Kristin Johnson says: April 19, 2011 at 10:00 am Happy Passover! Thank you for tackling this irksome subject! Ive grown up believing the singular they was just wrong. Back in high school, which was awhile ago, I was taught to use one in these situations, but evidently this in now passe. I miss it! It was such a convenient solution to the dilemma. Can we create a movement for its comeback? Hope I see you around town when you get back! -Kristin Log in to Reply Linda says: April 20, 2011 at 4:48 pm Happy Passover Brenda! Great post! I, too, am often troubled when I see they used for one person. My resolution has been to insert s/he or refer to him/her as you have done in a sense. Or to rewrite a sentence to make they and them fit better. I like the way you address this topic. Another grammatical issue I was taught when in school was the use of there when starting a sentence. My professor hated it and adamantly taught us to rewrite a sentence to prevent such construction. Since college, however, it seems this has become passe as I have seen many editors begin sentences with There without second thoughts and often justify it. Instead of debating the issue, I merely ensure my writing does not include such usage. What is your thought on this? Also, since we are talking grammatical, I noticed a typo in the second sentence of the second paragraph. Looks like the third word was not omitted upon a rewrite of the sentence. Enjoy your time with family and have a great weekend! Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: April 21, 2011 at 4:06 pm Hi Nancy, thank you for raising the issue of starting a sentence with there. I am comfortable with that usage, e.g., There are many things to be grateful for in life! Sometimes using there to start a sentence is superfluous, e.g., instead of There are many people who disagree with that rule, say Many people disagree with that rule. Thank you for catching my proofreading oversight. It has been corrected! And thank you for the holiday wishes. Im having a wonderful time and look forward to attending the Clearwater Generations concert tomorrow night! Log in to Reply Penelope J. says: April 22, 2011 at 10:59 pm Hi Brenda and Happy Passover! I never had this problem until I came to the U.S. and was doing phone research. The questionnaires were full of grammatical errors and this one, in particular, using they to refer to a singular stuck in my throat. I tried to substitute it verbally with he/she or him/her, but if it looks stilted in writing (except for business letters/reports), it sounded worse when spoken. I love the solution that you gave above, which may require a bit more consideration, but as you said, makes the sentence much more powerful. I have several other grammatical peeves that are becoming more common such as using a instead of an and that instead of who. My English teacher must be turning in her grave at the way the English language is being distorted and rules flagrantly dismissed. Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: April 23, 2011 at 1:12 am Thanks Penelope. Another solution is to use plurals, since we do have a gender-neutral plural third person pronoun. I am with you on the who vs. that issue, though there is debate about whether it is incorrect to refer to people as that. Definitely a topic for me to tackle in the future. The use of a instead of and occurs more in speech than in written communication, as far as I can tell. We live in a constantly evolving world of language and things that were not acceptable even a couple of years ago are now the norm. Log in to Reply Penelope J. says: April 22, 2011 at 11:02 pm Gosh, did I make a mistake when I wrote, Hi Brenda and Happy Passover, as if the latter was also a person! Obviously, it should have read: Hi Brenda. Happy Passover! A mistake in my very first comment about grammatical correctness. Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: April 23, 2011 at 12:53 am Hi Penelope, I would not have noticed that mistake if you hadnt pointed it out! Good catch. I saw one other thing in this recent post, however: I would suggest writing as if the latter *were* also a person. This is an example of the subjunctive tense and I will put it on my list for blog articles in the future! Heres one site I found that addresses the issue: https://www.ceafinney.com/subjunctive/guide.html Thanks so much for your comments Penelope! Log in to Reply Ann Mullen says: April 23, 2011 at 4:39 pm Good afternoon, I would also suggest the following: People who pray because they. . . are not the least threatened by the person standing next to them . . . . I struggle with the singular they when I read it so I often use he or she, or vary the gender of the person in different sentences or different paragraphs. I dont do it consistently because then I appear too worried about the sex of the subjects and not as concerned about my topic. Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: April 23, 2011 at 6:49 pm Hi Ann, yes Ive been thinking that I should add to my article the option of making the subject plural. In this particular example I still like the gendered language because of the picture it draws. I agree that in many instances, however, pluralizing is the best solution! Log in to Reply Paula Lee Bright says: April 25, 2011 at 4:14 am As I mentioned earlier, I am a sinner to the -nth degree! Yes, using they and their bother me when referring to a singular person But Ive decided that readability and the comfort of my readers is more important to me than being grammatically correct. It still galls me. But I go with it! My blog for parents of kids who cant read is as conversational as I can make it, and my personal blog is truly me to you in its style. So even though the purist in my still lives!- I have adapted and accept what people feel most comfortable with. Because quite honestly, none of my readers choose me for my grammar. They choose me because what I have to say resonates in their (!-hey, but it was plural!) lives. Ill always grimacebut then Ill write just as I would speak to them. And the English perfectionist in me be damned! (Did you notice how many incomplete sentences I used? I feel sure you did. 😉 ) Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: April 25, 2011 at 10:08 am Great comment Paula, and it reminds us that we write for our audience. If the audience expects a particular type of language, it is our job as writers to give it to them. When Im on the streets of Brooklyn, I ask people if they know where the laundromat is at. Anything else would just sound weird. Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: April 30, 2011 at 4:58 pm Thank you for your additional option of using the second person. In the example at hand, it would not work in exactly the language you offered since the author is describing a scenario that occurs in a congregation. However, it could read, â€Å"At Kolot Chayeinu, if you pray because you believe that God will personally make a difference in your daily life, those around you will not be the least bit threatened even if they do not believe in God at all.† Log in to Reply

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Communication Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Communication - Research Proposal Example Lack of well co-ordinated communication has always made organizations especially the healthcare providers in big problems that may not be easy to solve ones they hit irreversible point. Some of the administrative issues in a healthcare facility and the sector in general include the adjustments required for the care to be given to the patients. This entails how the health status of the patient is progressing since the last medical service offered or administered at a given instance. Another important aspect of this has to do with management planning which need to be done in respect of the charges on the services offered to the patient. This is a very important aspect of management since the funds generated from the services and prescriptions administered to the patients and other clients forms the basis of successful operation and the overall quality of service delivery. Billing department has particularly been at the Centre of this problem when the nurses fail to inform them of addit ional services or prescription to the patients. This has always led to lack of accountability and significantly affect their planning. Introduction It is important for an organization to put in place interventionry measures for improving communication.Healthcare sector has been undergoing a myriad of changes that need in-depth consideration for any significant progress. Communication is one such tool that has been tasked to bring sanity among nurses and healthcare managers. Improper management of information has far reaching effects both to the healthcare stakeholders and the society at large. There have been several cases of legal battle and unethical actions resulting from poor consideration of communication as a fundamental tool for the nursing services provision. One aspect of this has always been realized from inadequate data to indicate the progress of the patients and guide the management on issues like billing and the overall performance of the nurses as they deliver their s ervices. It is important to note that information covers the better part of healthcare provision and in the event that this goes missing a significant loss is eminent. It is therefore important that a lot of effort is put towards improving the healthcare sector from training to actual practice of the nurses and clinician. Statement of the problem Among the several issues that have been discussed as the challenges to the healthcare sector communication is very critical and this calls for interventionary measures. This is the link between the nurses, management and the patients. It is therefore important that this is done with sound strategy and effectiveness for smooth co-ordination of activities in the healthcare facilities. The main focus of communication concept in this case is recording and retrieval of patient data to the administration. It is imperative that the nurses know that communicating an existing problem that pose a threat to the facility and the health of the patients is primary to the welfare of the society. Work-setting problem The inherent less attention given to some aspects of communication by healthcare management is critical when it comes to the overall performance of the sector. The healthcare management should also underscore the significance of free and healthy interaction with its staff so that it would be easy for them to note any anomaly in their behavior. The interest of the patient should come first since the cardinal role of the nurses is to save life and this would suffice the definition

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Sports Corruption in Ghana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Sports Corruption in Ghana - Essay Example The 2010 report of the World Bank regarding corruption in Ghana claimed that as many as 95 percent of the total health resources in the country end up going in the hands of the private individuals. In addition, the public only benefits from only 5 percent of the total spending of the government on the health sector (National Development Planning Commission (Ghana) & International Monetary Fund, pp. 14-19). The people of the country are suffering greatly due to the poor living standards and austerity measures in the country but they fail to realize that they are sitting on mineral resources of gold, oil, timber, diamond, bauxite, manganese, sliver, limestone, and others worth trillions of dollars (Rosner & Shropshire, pp. 88-89). In short, Ghana is one of those countries in Africa which have great potential due to the location, history and demographics, however, they country is far from realizing its potential due to the rising corruption in the country. It was on September 29, 2011 t hat Ghana Anti Corruption Coalition admitted the fact that Sports Corruption is eating away the credibility of Ghana football and if serious actions are not taken in the near future then the officials may be left with nothing to save (Nicholls, Daniel, Bacarese & Hatchard, pp. 342-345). The following few lines will attempt to lay down a framework by discussing the importance of sports in everyday life and the theoretical impact of corruption on sports. The damage which corruption does to the sport, its dignity, and perception is the most ruthless out of all (Levy & Wong, 359-362). Men and Women turn to sports so that they could seek escape from the tiring and mechanistic day-to-day activities. Sports are an alternative to... The paper tells that sports serve an important purpose of inducing and inhabiting healthy lifestyles in the hearts and minds of the children and the adults. Educational institutions, parents, experts, researchers and academicians and others encourage sports for students because it helps them steer the children away from unhealthy activities. The time available to students can be classified into two categories, one that is spent on healthy and productive activities, and other being the one spent on unhealthy and nonproductive activities. Nonproductive activities would include watching TV, sitting idle, excessive eating, excessive internet browsing, chatting and cell phone use, and use of drugs, parties, and others. However, productive use of the leisure time includes activities such as completing the homework, studying, engaging in sports, physical exercises, workouts and others. Research indicate that when children engage in sports, they are crowding out the possible time that could have been allocated to unhealthy leisure time activities and at the same time, they are getting physical and mental exercise which is always crucial to the performance of the mind and the body. The problem occurs when talented, confident, and hardworking players do not get a chance to be the part of the national teams or they fail to get exposure that they think they deserve. Players work extremely hard throughout their life to represent their country, city of region in sports tournaments. Usually they end up comprising their studies, friendships, families and others in order to focus more on their sports career.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Stolen Generation Facts Term Paper Essay Example for Free

Stolen Generation Facts Term Paper Essay â€Å"Indigenous children have been forcibly separated from their families and communities since the very first days of the European occupation of Australia† obtained from the Bringing Them Home Report Who are the Stolen Generations The term ‘stolen generations† is in reference to those Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were forcibly removed, as children, from their families and communities by government, welfare and affiliated church organisations. These children were systematically placed into institutional care or with non-Indigenous foster families. Although it can be argued that the removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children began as early as the very first days of European occupation in Australia, the forced removal policies and legislation began in the mid 1800s and continued until the 1970s. There is current discourse in Aboriginal communities supporting the notion that the removal of Aboriginal children from their families and communities continues to exist today in the form of complexities associated with current government policies and legislation and the over representation of Aboriginal children in out of home care. How and why do we know the forcible removal of Aboriginal children occurred in NSW? New South Wales, along with other Australian state and territory governments have acknowledged past practices and policies of forced removal of Indigenous children on the basis of race. The Bringing Them Home Report, commissioned by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) and presented to the Australian government in 1997 came out of the HREOC National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families. This report was central to documenting evidence relating to the forcible removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in NSW and Australia wide. This report contains extensive evidence of past practices and policies which resulted in the removal of children. It also details the conditions into which many of the children were placed and discusses the negative impact this has had on individuals, their families and the broader Indigenous community. The Bringing Them Home Report (1997, p. 651) extensively suggested 53 detailed recommendations to the Council of Australian Governments. For further information on the Bringing Them Home Report and the recommendations that were put forward to the Australian government, please go to http://www.hreoc.gov.au/social_Justice/bth_report/report/index.html Link-Up NSW a Koori organisation founded in 1980 was established to assist the Stolen Generations in finding their way home as well as support families of people who were separated from their children. This removal occurred as the result of official laws and policies aimed at assimilating the Indigenous population into the wider community. What is a Koori? â€Å"There are many terms in use around Australia for the word â€Å"Aborigine†. In most areas of NSW the term â€Å"Koori† is used. There are several other words which are used around Australia such as – â€Å"Goori† (northern NSW/QLD), â€Å"Murri† (northern NSW/QLD), â€Å"Nunga† (SA) and â€Å"Nyoongah† (WA). There are many areas/regions that have retained their cultural language and have different terms to describe themselves† Link Up NSW. Timeline of government legislation The below synopsis can be identified as proof of an extensive history of legislative frameworks provided for the removal of Aboriginal children from their families, clans and communities, through an english common law regime in NSW. Under the guise of protection, Aboriginal people were subject to near total control. This systematic approach to the forcible removal of Aboriginal children in NSW can be identified by many government Acts including: 1810s – Governor Macquarie: Proclamation 4 May 1816, Aborigines declared subject to the protection of British law, but any crimes may render them outlawed and lead to loss of privileges 1849 – Act to provide for the Care and Education of Infants who may be convicted of Felony or Misdemeanour – whereby a child under the age of 19 is convicted, court may assign care and custody of the child to such persons as make application where the court is satisfied it is for the benefit of the child. 1881 – State Children Relief Act State Children’s Relief Board established. ‘Boarding out’ officers may remove children from charitable institutions and arrange for them to be boarded out in licensed homes. 1908 Establishment of Bomaderry United Aborigines Mission Home Consequently, the Aborigines Protection Board set-up in 1909 contributed to the United Aborigines Mission home at Bomaderry on the NSW south coast where younger children and babies were placed. 1909 – Aborigines Protection Act – Established the Aborigines Protection Board (APB) for the Protection of Aborigines. The duration of this Act was for 60 years until its replacement in 1969. A key provision of this Act was to provide for the custody, maintenance and education of the children of ‘Aborigines’. 1911 – Establishement of Cootamundra Girls Home Cootamundra was the first of the homes for Aboriginal children set up by the APB. The main aim of the Board was to rescue Aboriginal children from their families and assimilate them into the white community. Girls were the main target of the Board, especially so-called half-caste or mixed blood girls. The girls were trained as domestic servants and sent out to work for middle class white families. 1915 – Aboriginal Protection Amending Act – Removed the requirement that an Aboriginal child had to be found to be neglected before the Board could remove him/her. The discourse associated with the presumption of ‘neglect’, a requirement initially implemented by the Act was disempowering for Aboriginal mothers, fathers and families as there was no recourse for Aboriginal people who challenged the notion of ‘neglect’ that was often decided at the whim of a government inspectors own beliefs and values – these officials held the sole power in determining neglect. This practice was further exacerbated by views of assimilation of Aboriginal people into mainstream white society to ease the pillow of Aboriginal people as a dying race. 1918 – Establishment of Kinchela Boys Home The Board established Kinchela Training Institution in northern NSW for boys. The APB opened the Kinchela Boys Home with the official purpose of providing training for Aboriginal boys between the ages of five and fifteen. These boys were taken from their families by the State from all over New South Wales. 1940 Aborigines Protection (Amendment) Act– Aborigines Protection Board replaced by the Aborigines Welfare Board (AWB). This Board took responsibility for Aboriginal ‘wards’ removed under the Child Welfare Act 1939. This Board had the power to establish ‘homes for the reception, maintenance, education and training’ of wards. This included the administration of the major institutions already established in NSW including Kinchela, Cootamundra, and the Bomaderry Children’s Home. The Board administered ‘apprenticeships’ and young Aboriginal children were ‘indentured’ to work (farm hands/domestics). Wages of the children were to be paid to the board and kept in a trust account for use by the Board for the ward’s benefit until the ward turned 21. 1943 Aborigines Protection (Amendment) Act –The Board is the authority in relation to children admitted to its control with power over removal and transfer of wards, apprenticing wards and approving custody of wards. 1969 Repealed by the Aborigines Act – Aborigines Welfare Board abolished. Aboriginal children under the care of the AWB to become wards of the state. Aboriginal childrens institutions deemed to be depots under the Child Welfare Act 1939 and subsequent child welfare legislation. The apology Why was it important to apologise to the Stolen Generations? Recommendation 5a (2) from the Bringing Them Home Report suggests that all Australian parliaments â€Å"negotiate with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission a form of words for official apologies to Indigenous individuals, families and communities and extend those apologies with wide and culturally appropriate publicity†. â€Å"This issue is a ‘blank spot’ in the history of Australia. The damage and trauma these policies caused are felt everyday by Aboriginal people. They internalise their grief, guilt and confusion, inflicting further pain on themselves and others around them. It is about time the Australian Government openly accepted responsibility for their actions† (Archie Roach and Ruby Hunter in Buti A, Bringng Them Home the ALSA Way). In essence, formal government apologies provided a way for Australian governments to recognise the damning effects of removal policies of the past. The lifelong profoundly disabling consequences of those taken, meant that they lost all connection to family, traditional land, culture and language. On 14 November 1996, the Premier of NSW, Bob Carr, became the first head of an Australian government to respond to the call from the Governor General, Sir William Deane, for all Parliaments to reaffirm their commitment to reconciliation. The Premier’s resolution was passed unanimously. The NSW Premier was also the first state leader to offer a formal apology to the Aboriginal people for the Stolen Generations. On 13th February 2008, in a historic speech, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a formally apology to the Stolen Generations in his first official parliamentary sitting which was the commencement of the 42nd parliament of the commonwealth. Receving a formal apology by the Prime Minsiter of Australia has allowed the start of the healing process In a response to the National apology to the Stolen Generations, Tom Calma, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, HREOC stated â€Å"Through one direct act, Parliament has acknowledged the existence and the impacts of the past policies and practices of forcibly removing Indigenous children from their families. And by doing so, has paid respect to the Stolen Generations for their suffering and loss. For their resilience. And ultimately, for their dignity†.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essential Amino Acids as Ergogenic Aids :: Health Medical Research Papers

Amino Acids Amino acids are considered the building blocks of proteins. Breaking down protein will yield 22 known amino acids. There are three types of amino acids. These are indispensable(essential), conditionally dispensable, and dispensable. Conditionally dispensable amino acids can be synthesized from other amino acids by our bodies. Dispensable amino acids are considered non-essential. Amino acids are "one of the six basic nutrients our body needs". Essential Amino Acids acids are central to our discussion with regards to their use in weightlifting and training. httg:///www.kaiwan.com/-fitnessalaacid.html (hftp://www.thelinx.com/healthy/aminoacd.htm#valine) (hftp://www.getbig.com/articies/protein.htm) The Essential Amino Acids Of 22 amino acids, 8 or 9, are considered essential because our bodies can't manufacture them. These are tryptophan, lysine, methione, phenylalaine, threonine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, and histadine. Leucine "serves as a substrate for muscle metabolism during periods of cellular energy depletion" and promotes healing of the skin and broken bones as well as improving alertness. Tryptophan, whose benefits include calming, stimulating the release of growth hormones, and cholesterol reduction, is the only essential amino acid whose free form is not currently available in the U.S. lsoleucine helps in the formation of hemoglobin and is used by the muscles for energy. Valine, which promotes muscle coordination, remains unprocessed by the liver allowing it to go directly to muscles. Histadine dilates blood vessels, helps to alleviate symptoms of arthritis and ulcers, and helps in the production of red and white blood cells. Lysine builds new body tissue and bone, enhances fertility, improves concentration, and may be an effective treatment for certain forms of herpes. Methione reduces fat and protects the kidneys and may also reduces cholesterol levels. Phenylalaine serves to reduce hunger pains, helps in the production of Norepinephrine and collagen, and improves memory and alertness. Threonine assists in metabolism and assimilation, prevents fatty build-up in the liver, and is a component of collagen. (http://www.nutrimart.com/amnoinfo.htm) (http://www.betterbodz.com/suppl/leucine.htmi) (http://www.getbig.com/articles/protein.htm) (http://www.thelinx.com/healthylaminoacd.htm#valine) Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAS) Studies indicate that the presence of branched chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) after training is "critical for recovery" If they are ingested before exercise they may "alter hormonal responses to high intensity exercise". BCAA supplementation occurring during the exercise may have several health benefits, including "improved physiological and psychological responses to endurance exercise". BCAA's can compromise up to thirty-five percent of muscle tissue and a lack of any one of the three can "result in a decrease in muscle strength and tone"(Nature's Pantry Free Pamphlet).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The researchers built their study

The research article by Suniya Luthar, Karen Shoum and Pamela Brown (2006) entitled â€Å"Extracurricular involvement among affluent youth: A scapegoat for ubiquitous achievement pressures† attempted to determine the extracurricular involvement of high status secondary students and how this affected their academic performance and whether it was directly the source of the pressure to achieve.The researchers built their study on the notion that children from affluent communities are overscheduled and have too many things to accomplish at a given day because it is expected by their parents.They said that children’s involvement in extracurricular activities are imposed by their parents and thus places undue stress and pressure for the student to succeed and achieve. Although, some researchers had found evidence to support the assumption that involvement in extracurricular activities improved academic performance as groups, clubs and teams provide opportunities for healthy c ompetition fostering the need to achieve as a desirable motive for subsequent endeavors.Moreover, the researchers mainly focused their attention to affluent children or students who come from affluent families because they are more likely to be pressured by their parents to succeed. At the same time, affluent students have more chances of cultivating their interests in extracurricular activities because they have the resources to do so.  The authors defined extracurricular involvement as the degree to which students participate in activities that are not directly associated to their academic performance and has no bearing on their academic grades and is conducted outside of regular school hours with the presence of a coach or trainer. Extracurricular involvement was measured in terms of four broad categories; sports, arts, academics and civic.The researchers hypothesized that upper class students are overscheduled and thus have more adjustment issues, however, they were more incli ned to believe that hours spent in extracurricular activities are not to blame but the family processes that are related to academic achievement are the cause. The family processes include parent’s emphasis on achievement; parental criticism, high achievement expectations and values that promoted getting ahead of others, lack of adult supervision after school and how often children ate dinner with parents.The methods used to test the hypothesis of the researchers were varied; they used self-report questionnaires to obtain information on maladjustment indicators such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse, while they used school grades and teacher rating behavior to measure academic performance and behavior.The researchers also used a two dimensional framework in assessing their research outcomes, examining extracurricular activities and involvement per se, and how extracurricular activities competed with the measured family outcomes.The results of the study indicated tha t there were minimal links between extracurricular activities and pressure leading to adjustment problems. The researchers found that there is a weak relationship in the time spent in sports, academic, arts and civic activities to that of behavioral maladjustments and competence.The researchers however found evidence that supported the hypothesis that parental expectations were more detrimental to the student’s adjustment. It was found that parental criticism and lack of adult supervision had a more negative effect to student behavior than other variables.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Practice Makes Perfect Essay Essay

Our world is constantly wrought with the concept that certainty can allow one to achieve all of our desires and dreams. But this ever-present idea is utterly misleading. One cannot rely on certainty because nothing is truly certain. Everything that we hold to be true, has not been proven wrong. According to William Phelps, a sense of certainty will achieve the impossible. However, Bertrand Russell believes it is important to always carry a bit of doubt in one’s life. Nevertheless, people are torn between extra confidences and doubtless. While some may be certain of everything or doubt in any little thing, the human brain should balance these two factors in order to have a well and steady mind. Throughout our daily lives, everyone needs some sort of certainty in order to build up one’s self esteem. However, the certainty should be to an extent. Living in a world full of confidence is not always the right decision thus it can guide into failure. Although, strong beliefs, or a set of mind that leads to certainty is not wrong at all, especially in today’s society, it has been proven that one’s visualization of things is the dependable factor of the outcome of the activity one is about to do. It develops a confident and certain mentality. This way, one is able to give out positive vibes and inspire others to be the best of themselves ad eventually achieve â€Å"virtually anything† even that that seems â€Å"impossible† ().The mindset of believing in achieving the impossible is motivation everyone needs to develop a strong character. Relying too much of certainty may not be so good, since it makes you close minded. This is because you are certain of what you say is right, you don’t even listen to other people’s opinion, which brings tension around you. Over analyzing things and always going for what’s right won’t necessarily make you perfect or certain, instead it could gui de you into a big failure, since at some point you have to make mistakes. Thus, in order to prevent a big upcoming failure one should balance out the certainty they have in themselves. Nevertheless, doubt is an extremely huge necessity one needs among their lives. One of the most important components of doubt is trial  and error. One cannot be certain something will make sense or work if the hypothesis one has, has not been tested whether by experimentation or refutation. For instance, if Thomas Edison was absolutely certain he had created a means to harness electricity and produce light without testing his theory over 50 times, his certainty would be invalid. However, his influx of doubt and therefore his willingness to augment and change based upon that doubt, enabled him to produce what could probably be the most important scientific discovery yet. Another example of the importance of doubt is perhaps the most controversial topic among us-religion. Whether or not one has faith and is certain of that faith, is refutable. There are hence, two sides to this cause. Because nothing has been definitely proved that a higher, supreme power exists. On the other hand, there has been research of evolution throughout time, but it still hasn’t necessarily proven a certain answer. However, even in this process of comparing the two sides one doubts because one is extrapolating that either could be true. If either is true, we are still uncertain about it. In conclusion, the use of doubt has brought upon many debates, changes, and ideas whether for better or worse. This debate of uncertainty or certainty has been entrenched in our cultures consciousness possibly since its inception. But if we were to deny that the geniuses of our times did not doubt, we are making a vast ad unintelligent assumption. Even so, throughout time, certainty has also come to a great importance in our lives. Without the doubts of all our past generations and the little certainty they used to carry our world would not be anything like the way it is. One thing is certain; doubt and certainty are two factors that are an absolute necessity.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Brain Chemicals essays

Brain Chemicals essays Has anyone ever thought about what actually separates people from one another? I believe people are controlled by chemicals that are produced in the brain called seratonin and dopamine. I once took in the idea that ethics, role models, and the government play an enormous role in who we are. We develop ethics through our family and our religion, observing the habits of those we love, and learning morals and ethics through our religion. We will later teach our ethics to our children, and hopefully in return, we will receive a large bonus check when we check out. Our role models, whether good or bad, give us an example of who to become, or even what is ordinary and creative to believe. The government controls everyone, everyday of every week. History tells us that no single community has ever survived without some sort government, because something has to control the giant masses before we devour ourselves in war, death, and plague. For the most part, this is what I believed to be true. However, this didnt answer my question. What is the difference between two best friends who share similar morals, role models, and are both ruled by the same government? I believe that every person lives in a different mind-set, and depending on how his or her chemicals are set up inside the brain, could determine whether they are mentally stable, or legally insane. Albert Einstein once said, Man tries to fashion for himself a simplified and intelligible picture of the world; he then tries to substitute this cosmos for his own world of experience. ...Each makes this cosmos and its construction the pivot of his emotional life in order to find the peace and security he cant find in the narrow whirlpool of personal experience. Albert Einstein was ahead of his time when thinking of something of this degree. Studies of perception were only beginning to take place in the late 60s. Seratonin is the chemical inside ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Facts and Characteristics of the Caspian Tiger

Facts and Characteristics of the Caspian Tiger One of three subspecies of Eurasian tiger to go extinct within the last century, the other two are the Bali Tiger and the Javan Tiger, the Caspian Tiger once roamed huge swaths of territory in central Asia, including Iran, Turkey, the Caucasus, and the -stan territories bordering Russia (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, etc.). An especially robust member of the Panthera tigris family, the largest males approached 500 pounds, the Caspian Tiger was hunted mercilessly during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, especially by the Russian government, which put a bounty on this beast in a heavy-handed effort to reclaim farmlands bordering the Caspian Sea. Why Did the Caspian Tiger Go Extinct? There are a few reasons, besides relentless hunting, why the Caspian Tiger went extinct. First, human civilization encroached mercilessly on the Caspian Tigers habitat, converting its lands into cotton fields and even looping roads and highways through it fragile habitat. Second, the Caspian Tiger succumbed to the gradual extinction of its favorite prey, wild pigs, which were also hunted by humans, as well as falling prey to various diseases and perishing in floods and forest fires (which grew more frequent with changes in the environment). And third, the Caspian Tiger was already pretty much on the brink, restricted to such a small range of territory, in such dwindling numbers, that virtually any change would have tipped it inexorably toward extinction. One of the odd things about the extinction of the Caspian Tiger is that it happened literally while the world was watching: various individuals were hunted died and were documented by naturalists, by the news media, and by the hunters themselves, in the course of the early 20th century. The list makes for depressing reading: Mosul, in what is now the country of Iraq, in 1887; the Caucasus Mountains, in the south of Russia, in 1922; Irans Golestan Province in 1953 (after which, too late, Iran made hunting the Caspian Tiger illegal); Turkmenistan, a Soviet republic, in 1954; and a small town in Turkey as late as 1970 (although this last sighting is poorly documented). Confirmed Sightings Although its widely considered to be an extinct species, there have been numerous, unconfirmed sightings of the Caspian Tiger over the past few decades. More encouragingly, genetic analysis has shown that the Caspian Tiger may have diverged from a population of (still extant) Siberian Tigers as recently as 100 years ago and that these two tiger subspecies may even have been one and the same animal. If this turns out to be the case, it may be possible to resurrect the Caspian Tiger by as simple an expedient as re-introducing the Siberian Tiger to its once-native lands of central Asia, a project that has been announced (but not yet fully implemented) by Russia and Iran, and which falls under the general category of de-extinction.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Letter of intent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Letter of intent - Essay Example Overtime, when I joined my college level, I came across a certain book in the school library known as ‘Guide to Nursing Management and Leadership’ by Marriner-Tomey. This book motivated me because I leant varied strategies for advancing nursing leadership and management skills. The book also inspired me because it revealed practical management practices for a range of workplace issues including diversity, stress management and evidence-based practices in the health care settings. My education experience in nursing field has enabled me to not only acquire significant nursing skills but also understand the needs of patients in the society. I graduated with an Associate degree in nursing, in 1991 from the university. While at the university, one of my professors, who were guiding us in laboratory activities, became my greatest mentor in nursing field. Besides, I have done several research projects and the internship activities especially handling patients with minor issues and helping nurses in hospital. Thus, the internship greatly influenced my career because the opportunity taught me the significance of teamwork, building mutual rapport with others, listening carefully and communicating effectively with patients, as well, as my co-workers. I believe that with my strong research projects on nursing field and ability to communicate effectively will make me well suited to pursue my dreams in nursing education track. I am obliged to utilize my talents in constructive manner that will benefit the society. Thus, the nursing education track will offer me an opportunity to express my talents while benefiting the society. I will be graduating this May with a Bachelors degree in Nursing. Therefore, I believe that by pursuing masters of Science in nursing education track, I will advance management for profession nursing practice and prepare for effective patient-centered health care delivery. I am obliged to achieve